ISRATEAM lead by B. General Avi Bachar is currently working at macro and micro level of detail preparing a detailed response plan dealing with a ChemBio terror attack.

  1. with the Israel police district command that is responsible for the Airport area.
  2. With Israel's main airport authority (Ben Gurion airport). That should give the first aid to the casualties and population it the Airport

The project included

  1. Risk analysis, assessment and threats definition.
  2. Evaluating existing emergency planes and equipment capabilities.
  3. Defining possible ChemBio terror scenarios.
  4. Establishing comprehensive emergency plans.
  5. Preparing manuals and Standard Operational Procedures.
  6. Planning the evacuation of the casualties by the security personal (with protective gear)
  7. Planning the evacuation of the population ( with Escape masks) and  what to do with the majority of workers and people uninjured at the site, as well as other matters.
  8. Designing protected buildings, structure elements and alert systems, monitoring and scanning systems, etc.
  9. Consulting on protection gear, identification and decontamination equipment.
  10. Establishing and implementing training programs.
  11. Designing Command, Control and Communication systems for emergencies
  12. Designing and conducting integrated exercises and training programs with the Police. EMS, HFC and all the other Emergency organizations involving with the event.