Preparation of Operation and Procedures Set Manual for local authorities. This project is under the guidance of the MOD - Emergency Economy Division, the Ministry of the Interior and the Home Front Command. Emergency and Civil Defense consultation to the Deputy Minister of Defense. Membership and Active Participation in the National Body Evaluating the Israeli National Civil Defense System Although the Israel Home Front Command preparedness is well advanced and can be an instructive model for many other countries, the Prime Minister’s Office has decided that an expert team should test the system and recommend ways to improve the country’s ability to respond to all the threats constantly posed to the Home Front both at peace and during emergencies, and IsraTeam was chosen to provide this expertise. In this project, IsraTeam has evaluated all the potential threats to the Home Front. It has analyzed their implications, tested the true ability of each of the existing organizations, located the weak and strong points, tested the organizational structure and the existing equipment, evaluated the existing resources and their utilization. At the end of this evaluation, a number of alternatives for building the national system were examined and recommendations made to the Prime Minister’s office. This methodology of evaluating threats is applied by ISRATEAM to its all other related emergency preparedness projects.